Saturday, 4 February 2012


"Are you joking" I hear you ask.
No I am not.
But I did leave out a small detail in the title: That it did not happen in India.
It happened in Britain.

The way I see it, Mr Huhne made a number of mistakes:
1. Joining Mr Cameron's coalition although it apparently had nothing to do with his current predicament.
2. Exceeding speed limits and getting caught. The trick to exceeding speed limits is not getting caught which  Mr.Huhne apparently could not arrange. Like the Chinese motorist caught by a speed camera fiddling with his female passenger's thingamajigs while speeding.
3. Beating the rap for 2 above by making his Greece-born economist wife take the rap.
4. Cheating on his Greece-born wife with his Britain-born secretary and eventually walking out on the former with the latter in tow and thus pissing the former off. You may not give Greeks loans and still get away with it but you don't cheat them. Being expert cheats themselves, especially of taxes, they don't take kindly to being cheated on.
Most importantly,
5. Marrying a Greek.And that too an economist. If someone ever asked you what an oxymoron is, a good example would be "A Greek Economist". The key to successful public life is not marrying a moron, even one with an Oxy. Especially one with some moxie if you plan to have some tail on the side.

Mr Huhne is a text-book definition of a wimp.
In India ministers dont get caught speeding. Or pretty much doing anything else. Ministers dont get caught. Period.
But then our ministers don't marry Greek Economists either.

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