Monday, 30 September 2013


We men in Chennai have always looked down upon our women. They were the weaker sex. They were also shorter. Women taller than men were not able to find a mate and thus the line of tall women was ended; one by one, until women were noticeably shorter than men such that we men could look down upon our women and the women had to look up to us.
Now we have research validation for this.

New research says that when women look for love (since we Tamils are coy about sex and mating, we shall use the word “love” instead) they look up to men who are exactly 1.09 times their own height. Those researchers were mostly women who limited their interpretation to physical height. But I know for a fact that women look up to men. Period. At least in Chennai, whose women are said to be the ideal for all of womanhood.

The same researchers also concluded that men liked to look down upon women and therefore preferred shorter women whose heights conformed to the abovementioned golden ratio. We Chennai men look down upon women in any case, never mind the ratio of 1.09 in heights. Therefore the so called new research findings leave us cold - there is nothing new that we haven’t known from the time of Tamil Sangams and Thiruvalluvar. Our own research has it that they knew everything there was to know  but preferred erudite discussions of  Tamil poetry to other temporal matters. Being the hospitable people we were and still are, we let the West take the credit for discovering theories of everything. The weak need the reinforcement that public adulation brings. We, on the other hand, are Marathamizhar (brave or stout Tamils; can also be mean "wooden") and are not weak of mind or body. Not for us the Aryan frailties.

We considered women were the weaker sex notwithstanding their occasional propensity to burn down entire capital cities in response to miscarriage of justice (as in the hanging of the wrong man for alleged theft of crown jewels. The wife herself was wronged by the husband, leaving her for an another woman only to return later, passion and wealth exhausted, but that seemed to matter little to the wife - we train our wives well). Her “purity” (read sexual fidelity to husband) gave her a fiery edge. This purity is a jolly interesting concept. We let our women buy into the idea(l) which ensures that they stay on the straight and the narrow, leaving us men to swan about with as many women as we want. Of course we look down on all of them and they look up to us. This is an age-old arrangement that has worked well for us Tamil men.  We reinforce the idea(l) through movies, TV serials popular fiction and personal lives of social and political role models.

Why change a winning formula?

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